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Otalking Points

YouTube and the COPPA COP OUT

Hi gang, As you know due to COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act) a lot of kid friendly Adult Action figure collector content creators have basically sacrificed to the FTC by YouTube including my channel that I had just started. We'll to put it plainly I'm pissed off at YouTube and I'm sure many new and also established YouTuber's that make kid friendly content (but not necessarily just for kids) will undoubtedly be flagged as for kids if not marked "FOR KIDS" and subsequently fined around $42,000 per video. I don't know about some of the millionaire channels but I being that I just started out, I'm not willing to take that risk. I don't even have 10 subs at the moment. If you're reading this because you we're looking for content on my channel thank you for following the link to this blog, and if you're just someone that happened on to this blog because you were curious about what COPPA is really doing thank you for wan

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